Press releases

October 14, 2013

Saint Barth Cata Cup: Toward The Starting Line

  In less than a week, 100 passionate Formula 18 racers will gather in Saint Barth for the Saint Barth Cata Cup. While the participants are packing their bags, their boats are crossing the ocean on a cargo ship. As for the Cata Cup organizers, they are finalizing the last details to make sure that the sailors and their families enjoy the warm welcome typical of the island.

  The closer to the opening of the event, the more there is to do! The goal to do it all well means that every last detail must be gone over again and again to make sure the event is a success… in spite of anything unexpected!

  Hélène Guilbaud, chief of organization does not hide the fact that there aren’t enough hours in the day for those working to ensure the success of the Saint Barth Cata Cup: “We have to respond to numerous questions from the participants as well as the press. It is necessary to organize the jobs for the volunteers, complete the security arrangements, and work with all those who are ready to help us,” says the factotum of the event, with confidence. She is also responsible to find housing for the 150 people who arrive on the island for the event.

  “That’s not so easy as there is not one hotel on the island where everyone could stay at the same time.  But in Saint Barth, there are many pretty little places where the participants can stay. So they are spread out all over the island,” Guilbaud explains.
Each task takes time and energy, yet it is for a good cause. You can see the enthusiasm in the eyes of the local population that is helping out with the organization of this 6th Saint Barth Cat Cup. 


   A team of 10 people works on shore, while 30 others are out on the waves to ensure the safety of the sailors during the regattas. “We try to anticipate everything as much as possible in advance,” declares Guilbaud, “since once the event gets started, we are in the world of the unexpected. But the more we prepare in advance, the better we can deal with anything that pops up.” An at-sea safety meeting will be held on November 15.


  Numerous local partners, both companies and individuals, help with the success of the event, and many have been involved since the first year of the regatta. “I have remarked that our relationships are based on fidelity. Many people who gave us a hand in the beginning are still there to help us today. It’s great to feel that sense of unity,” says Guilbaud, who is pleased with the support she has again this year.

  The weather seems to be playing its role as well. Last week the trade winds weren’t yet strong enough, but as of Sunday, the wind has been blowing from the East. This means that local teams could train in ideal conditions. And the whole island seems to be motivated to see another successful event, from the organization to the level of the competition itself.


  The first competitors should start arriving around November 14, and the organizers are ready to welcome them with the first Planter’s Punch offered by Nikki Beach. Those who are already on the island join forces to welcome the others.

© Pierrick Contin© Pierrick Contin© Pierrick Contin© © Pierrick Contin /ST Barth Cata Cup 2012© © Pierrick Contin /ST Barth Cata Cup 2012© © Pierrick Contin /St Barth Cata Cup 2012

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Cammas And Vandame Win The 2013 Saint Barth Cata Cup
November 24, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
         Steadiness paid off for the duo Cammas/Vandame (Hotel Guanahani 2) who won the 6th edition of the Saint Barth Cata Cup beating Bundock/Van Leeuwen (Hotel Guanahani 1) and the Boulogne Brothers (Allianz-Saint Barth Assurances). The Formula 18 sailors aboard Guanahani 2 were able to remain in the top four from the very first moments of the regatta.

The Boulogne Brothers Prevail
November 23, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
      Two races around the island of Saint Barthélemy were on the schedule for this third day of the 2013 Cata Cup. The Boulogne brothers, after some serious battling out on the water, were the winners of the RE-MAX Prize.

Cammas and Vandame Winners On Day Two
November 22, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
      The second day of the regatta, sailed under the colors of Allianz-Saint-Barth Assurances, was very busy: the race committee launched all 55 boats for two fantastic races. Cammas and Vandame (Guanahani) were the day’s winners, taking the lead over the rest of the fleet for the first race, while the Hainneville brothers (Hotel Association) won the second race.

Bundock and Van Leeuwen Leaders On Day One
November 21, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
       Darren Bundock and Jeroen Van Leeuwen are the winners on this first day of regattas in the bay of Saint Jean. These two sailors succeeded in maintaining a lead over Franck Cammas and Mathieu Vandame for the second half of the race.

Last detail under the tropical sun
November 20, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
      On Wednesday, the sailors in the Saint Barth Cata Cup made the last adjustments to their boats as they checkout out the race itineraries. The event organizers and volunteers finalized the registrations, while Thursday is a big day: the 55 teams hit the waves in the bay of Saint Jean for the first day of racing.

Back In Saint Barth
November 18, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin
This week started off on a good foot for the participants of the Saint Barth Cata Cup. They got a great gift: sea containers… full of their boats!

Saint Barth Cata Cup: Toward The Starting Line
October 14, 2013
© © Pierrick Contin /St Barth Cata Cup 2012
  In less than a week, 100 passionate Formula 18 racers will gather in Saint Barth for the Saint Barth Cata Cup. While the participants are packing their bags, their boats are crossing the ocean on a cargo ship. As for the Cata Cup organizers, they are finalizing the last details to make sure that the sailors and their families enjoy the warm welcome typical of the island.

Saint Barth Cata Cup: Franck Cammas, A Prestigious Patron
Monday, October 28, 2013
© Pascal Alemany
On November 18, in less than a month, 57 teams of two will set sail in the Bay of Saint Jean for the 6th annual Saint Barth Cata Cup. And the surprise of this edition is that award-winning French sailor Franck Cammas will be on hand wearing two hats, one as competitor and one as patron of the event.

The Place To Be 
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
© © Pierrick Contin /ST Barth Cata Cup 2012
Where is “The Place To Be” on November 18-26, 2013? Saint Barthélemy, of course, as that is when more than 60 Formula 18 catamaran racers from around the world will take part in the Saint Barth Cata Cup, a regatta that features both the conviviality of the island’s residents and high-level nautical competition in a natural setting that can’t be beat.

Saint Barth Cata Cup, Paradise For The Formula 18 Class
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010
Crystal clear water, white sands, coconut palms, and light tropical breezes: that describes the island of St Barth, the lustrous pearl of the French Caribbean where the Saint Barth Cata Cup will take place November 18-26, 2013. This regatta has become such a highlight of the Formula 18 class that the registrations for 2013 were completely filled within 8 minutes and 34 seconds after they were opened: a record time that speaks for itself!

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