Every year, we are lucky to count on the generosity of Miguel Danet who makes available a large sailing catamaran that serves as the committee boat during the St Barth Cata Cup. But did you know that Miguel also sailed the Transat AG2R twice (2008, 2010) including a 3rd place finish with Eric Peron? Miguel is a native of the Island where he operates a boat rental business called SAINT BARTH SAILOR.
His trademark is hard to miss with his silhouette being displayed wearing different colours of «Crocs»! Miguel is also a regular at the arrival of the Transat AG2R where you can spot him on a large catamaran playing French West Indies for the crews. For those who were at the St Barth Cata Cup in 2013, you may recall that Miguel was the one who got some racers to dance at their arrival in Public. Miguel has recently taken up F18 and will be on the starting line of this 9th edition with Julien Darmon.