Press releases

La Saint Barth Cata Cup On Canal+ Television

A 52-minute Documentary and 26-minute Sports Feature for Canal Plus channels SPORT +, PLANETE THALASSA and LE CANAL EVENEMENT (99) on CANALSAT CARAIBES

Already recognized as an exceptional event in the world of sailing, the Saint Barth Cata Cup has now attracted the attention of major international media.After coverage in the written press—regional, national, and specialized nautical outlets—to spread the word about this West Indian regatta, this year it is Canal+ that will play a larger role. A local partner since the debut of the event, Canal+ Antilles plans to increase its participation by producing two programs that will be broadcast not only on its  “Canal Evènement,” but also on its targeted channels such as Planète Thalassa and Sport+. 

26 minutes of sport !

This fifth edition of the Cata Cup, which once again has a great mix of world-class racing stars and passionate amateurs, will be celebrated with a 26-minute program about the regatta itself for Sport + . The camera will go “backstage” to capture the preparation of the boats, the athletic challenge, inside information about the event, great photos of the races, interviews with champions, and of course fabulous images as the boats sail around the island. 

52 minutes for Saint Barthélemy

 The second program is a documentary that will focus on the spirit of the island, the regatta, and especially its organizers. In addition to highlighting the race and its participants, these 52-minutes will zoom in on the organization of the Cata Cup and those whose hard work makes this event possible. In other words: a look at those passionate souls who play an active role in the social and economic aspects of the island, far from the clichéd image of Saint Barthélemy.   


© Pascal Alemany© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010© Pierrick Contin /ST BarthCataCup 2010

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© © Pierrick Contin /St Barth Cata Cup 2012
Fast Facts:    Two races determine the winner Match racing: John Casey—Enrique Figueroa Kiké and Kéki Figueroa win the fifth edition of the Saint Barth Cata Cup An exceptional event already on the racing calendar for 2013 Live race coverage on the Cata Cup website

"La Saint Barth Cata Cup Is The Best Race In The world"
© Pascal Alemany
Fast facts:   An extraordinary tour around the island Enrique Figueroa wins the around-the-island race The best race in the world Last races tomorrow Live race coverage and videos on the Cata Cup website

© Pierrick Contin
Fast facts:   American John Casey in control Mischa Heemskerk wards off bad luck Two races in a dream location Around-the-island on Saturday Live race coverage on the Cata Cup website

The Unexpected In Saint Barth...
© Pierrick Contin
Fast facts:   • An exceptional first regatta  • An action-packed race • Breakage and out of the race • Iordanis Paschalidis and Gustaf Dyrssen In The Lead • Michel Sastre and Quentin Leroux, top West Indian team • Race coverage live on the Cata Cup website 

The Hidden Side of Saint Barth...
© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010
Fast facts:   • Windward and leeward sides of the island• Technical and tactical navigation• Perfect weather conditions• Manu Boulogne, Fred Moreau, teammates and adversaries• Live race coverage on the Cata Cup website

The Girls of Saint Barth...
© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010
Fast facts:   • Competitors from the four corners of the globe• Emptying of containers and assembling of the boats• Navigation practice and final adjustments• The first all-female racing crew

Fifth Edition Of The Fun Regatta
© Pierrick Contin /STBarth CataCup 2010
  Fast Facts :   Saint Bart Cata Cup November 12-20 57 boats in the 2012 edition 13 nations represented Carolijn Brouwer, teammate of Darren Bundock Mischa Heemskerk, Yvan Bourgnon, Manu Boulogne, Fred Moreau, Gurvan Bontemps, etc...

La Saint Barth Cata Cup On Canal+ Television
© Pascal Alemany
A 52-minute Documentary and 26-minute Sports Feature for Canal Plus channels SPORT +, PLANETE THALASSA and LE CANAL EVENEMENT (99) on CANALSAT CARAIBES

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